Leaving a gift in your will for charity

Thank you for considering leaving a gift to TASC in your Will – we’re incredibly grateful. Your support can help us to continue caring for those who care for us.

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Leave TASC a gift in your Will

Since 2015, TASC has been here for everyone in the UK’s ambulance family. A gift in your Will for charity is an incredible way to give something back to our ambulance community and leave a lasting legacy to ensure the UK’s lifesavers are taken care of in their time of need.

Gifts in Wills are a very special way of continuing your support for our work far into the future. They are vital to all areas of our work, so any gift you give, whatever size, will make a big difference to the people we help.

Legacy giving

How to leave a gift in your will for charity

  • 1. Make a note of our charity details

    You’ll need them to ensure your gift reaches us. Here’s everything you need to know:

    TASC, The Ambulance Staff Charity
    Registered UK address: 12 Ensign Business Centre, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JA

    A charity registered in England and Wales. Charity number: 1163538

    A charity registered in Scotland. Charity number: SC046384

  • 2. Decide what gift you want to give in your will to charity

    There are three types of gifts or ‘bequests’ you can give in your Will:

    Pecuniary bequests
    These are gifts of specific amounts of money e.g. £100, £500, £2,000 etc.

    Residual bequests
    These gifts are portions of your entire estate value once the funeral costs and any debts have been paid. For example, if your entire estate is worth £100,000 and you leave 2% to TASC, your gift would be £2,000.

    Specific bequests
    These gifts are specific items, such as jewellery, paintings, vehicles, or heirlooms which TASC can auction off to raise money.

  • 3. Consider Inheritance Tax

    As of 2023, the standard rate for Inheritance Tax is 40% on your total estate value above £325,000. For example, if your total estate is worth £400,000, the Inheritance Tax would be 40% of £75,000.

    Any gift you make to a UK charity in your Will is free of Inheritance Tax, and the amount you gift to charity could reduce the amount of tax on the rest of your estate. If you give at least 10% of your taxable estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax rate drops from 40% to 36%.

  • 4. Create/amend your Will

    Once you’ve completed the above steps, it’s time to get in touch with your solicitor to have your Will drawn up or amended. If you don’t have a solicitor, you can find one in your local area on the Law Society website.

How leaving TASC a gift in your will could help our ambulance community

Leaving a gift in your will for charity


Can provide a year of online therapy modules for 37 people.

Leaving a gift in your will for charity


Can provide 42 support sessions for people struggling with stress and burnout

Leaving a gift in your will for charity


Can provide 176 guidance and income maximisation support sessions for people struggling with their finances.

Leaving a gift in your will for charity


Can provide 88 hours of support for people struggling with trauma and/or PTSD.

Leaving a gift in your will for charity

Robert’s story

Robert came to TASC because he was struggling with his mental health which was also starting to affect his physical wellbeing. We arranged for Robert to have sessions with our in-house counsellor to talk about coping techniques and we also funded sessions for him to meet with an external counsellor to help with his PTSD symptoms.

“TASC’s services were second to none and I would 100% recommend them to any of my colleagues.”

Robert, Ambulance Care Assistant, Aylesbury
Read Robert's story
donate in memory

Wendy’s story

Wendy came to TASC because she felt increasing anxious, agitated and unable to switch off. After assessing Wendy’s case, our in-house counsellor felt that she would benefit from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and referred Wendy to one of our partners for six sessions of support.

“Since finishing my sessions I feel more relaxed, focused and happier both at work and in my personal life.”

Wendy, Paramedic, Surrey
Read Wendy's story

Myths around leaving a gift to charity in your Will

You need to be wealthy to make a difference

Any donation we receive makes a big difference to the people we support and we’re thankful for anything you can give.

As an example, the average amount given to charities each month is £27, a £27 donation to TASC would pay for 30 minutes of counselling for someone struggling with a traumatic work call out or 90 minutes of support for someone struggling to make ends meet. Small amounts can have a big impact to the people we support in their time of need.

I can only leave one gift to charity

If you have several causes that are close to your heart, you can leave a gift in your Will to as many as you like. You can also specify what you would like to leave, for example, a portion of your total estate, an amount of money or even a specific item such as jewellery or a painting.

Once I’ve made a Will, I can’t change it

You can update your Will at any time. Any changes to your Will are called a ‘codicil’ – an official alteration. You may want to update your Will if you get married, separated, have children or grandchildren, or are buying your first home.

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We rely on your support

As a national charity, we rely on your support and generosity to continue providing our life-changing support. There are so many ways you can get involved, from donating and fundraising, to joining a TASC challenge or recycling your old clothes in one of our clothing banks. Click on the links below to get started.

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