Your donation can help change the life of a UK lifesaver. Donate now.

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1. How would you like to donate?

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You can choose to either donate via Paypal or go through our simple step-by-step process to complete a card transaction.
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2. What sort of donation would you like to make?

A single donation is a one-off payment towards our work.

A recurring donation is the same payment taken as often as you choose.

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By checking above, I confirm I am a UK taxpayer and I would like donations I've made to you in the past four years and all donations in future to be treated as Gift Aid donations until I notify you otherwise. I understand that if I pay less income tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

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With your support we can continue helping people like…

Leaving a gift in your will for charity

Robert’s story

Robert came to TASC because he was struggling with his mental health which was also starting to affect his physical wellbeing. We arranged for Robert to have sessions with our in-house counsellor to talk about coping techniques and we also funded sessions for him to meet with an external counsellor to help with his PTSD symptoms.

“TASC’s services were second to none and I would 100% recommend them to any of my colleagues.”

Robert, Ambulance Care Assistant, Aylesbury


Read Robert’s story
donate in memory

Wendy’s story

Wendy came to TASC because she felt increasing anxious, agitated and unable to switch off. After assessing Wendy’s case, our in-house counsellor felt that she would benefit from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and referred Wendy to one of our partners for six sessions of support.

“Since finishing my sessions I feel more relaxed, focused and happier both at work and in my personal life.”

Wendy, Paramedic, Surrey


Read Wendy’s story

Thanks to the help of our donors and supporters, last year TASC helped 882 people.

Find out how your support can make a difference.

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How we help

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