
From Martin Lawson-Smith

Zaquira adored her job as a paramedic. She worked so hard through her A levels and university to achieve her dream of qualifying. We, her family and friends, were all extremely proud of her. She spent her whole life helping others and putting their needs before her own.
She’ll be terribly missed by all who knew her.

From Emily Coleman

I only did one job with Zaquira at SECAMB but always said hello around station, always friendly and just had a great presence, like you wanted to be around her!
What a lovely, beautiful and intelligent girl! I’m so sorry to all her family and friends! We can feel her loss! I pray for Zaquira and all of her loved ones! My sincere condolences!
Rest in enteral peace Zaquira!
You are sorely missed by many!

From Chris Treves

Having only worked a shift with you Zaquira. I found you to be a kind, and caring paramedic with a great sense of humour. RIP love Chris x

From Claire Hughes

Beautiful Zaquira!!
Not only was I lucky enough to spend 3 years at university with you, but I then got to work with you once you qualified!! Your smile lit up every room, and your crazy sense of humour made me laugh till I burst!! Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and smile. I will remember you always and keep you in my heart!! I miss you and I’m sorry xxx

From Anya Schneider

Zaquira was my best friend, for so many years. We grew up together, we were practically sisters. When we were around 9 years old, she used to tell me about how her dream job was to be a paramedic – It was all she ever wanted to do. And she only went and did it!! I couldn’t be more proud.
She left this world too soon, and will be missed by so many. I am so blessed to have spent so much time with her, making so many wonderful memories.
Sleep well, my darling. x