“I am more confident than ever that I will eventually be able to return to my frontline duties rather than looking for an alternative career, and it’s all thanks to TASC.”
Charlotte, Associate Ambulance Practitioner, Buckinghamshire
Charlotte came to TASC after she injured her back which forced her to do alternative duties. To support her recovery, TASC providing funding for Charlotte to attend a two-week residential programme. Here’s Charlotte’s story:
“I injured my back only two months after I had qualified as an Associate Ambulance Practitioner, and I was gutted that I couldn’t be out on the road practicing my skills. It was the toughest time of my life and it was all because I couldn’t work. The longer it went on, the worse I felt. I knew that this was the right career for me and the thought of having to change it after only just starting was heart breaking. I did everything I could to aid my recovery; occupational health and private physiotherapy, acupuncture, swimming, massages, the list goes on and on, and nothing worked. My mental wellbeing was suffering and at a particularly low point I decided I had to go back to work on alternative duties, despite my back not being 100%.
Not long after this, my Clinical Mentor told me that TASC were now offering physiotherapy. I thought more physio couldn’t hurt, so I decided to get in contact with TASC’s support team to see if I was eligible for support. The team were great and I was so happy when they offered me a choice of either local physiotherapy sessions or a two-week residential programme at a Police Treatment Centre.
I chose to try the Police Treatment Centre and I’m so glad I did. The other patients had similar injuries and mindsets to myself and it was so nice to have people to talk who knew exactly where you were at. The facilities are first class, I had around the clock access to a gym, swimming pool, hydrotherapy pool, and sauna. I also had 24-hour access to the centre’s nurses and saw a trained physiotherapist every day. On top of this, the food is great and the staff are so wonderful and helpful.
Physically, I am the best I have ever been since my injury. Since getting injured, I have avoided any lifting and in my first session at the treatment centre I was doing deadlifts! I still got aches and pains during my treatment but the physiotherapists were on hand to deal with it straight away so I could return to exercise, which helped speed up my recovery. I never expected to be sent to such an amazing facility and it has absolutely assisted my recovery progress. I am more confident than ever that I will eventually be able to return to my frontline duties rather than looking for an alternative career, and it’s all thanks to TASC.”
Charlotte, Associate Ambulance Practitioner, Buckinghamshire