TASC, The Ambulance Staff Charity, has given a huge thank you to the organisers of two recent major trade shows for the support it received.
The Emergency Services Show took place in Hall 5 of the National Exhibition Centre near Birmingham on September 21 and 22, with TASC being afforded a stand in the Collaboration Zone.
The two-day event provides visitors with the opportunity to discover new equipment on display, or share or gain new skills and expertise with colleagues involved in the emergency services.
This was followed less than a month later by the Life Connections Show which took place at the Kettering Conference Centre in Kettering, Northamptonshire, on October 18 and 19.
The multi-conference event brings together representatives from many professions responsible for saving lives. It is supported by a trade exhibition which provides delegates and visitors with the opportunity to see the latest equipment and technology currently available.
TASC had stands at both shows to help the charity raise awareness of the services it offers to all ambulance personnel in urgent need. The events were also an opportunity for The Ambulance Staff Charity to reach out to people interested in supporting its work.
A spokesperson for TASC said:
“We would like to thank organisers of both shows, in particular David Brown and Terry Gardner, for providing us with a stand and for all of the support we were given during both the Emergency Services Show and Life Connections Show. We also want to give a big thank you to all those people who attended our stands and showed an interest in our work.
“We were delighted to be among the exhibitors at these two shows as events like these are very important in helping to raise awareness of the services we offer to those who may need our help or who wish to support us”
Visitors to the TASC stand were able to pick up information about the charity’s work. At the same time it also recruited new supporters, sold merchandise including a new collection of bronze paramedic figures, and also engaged with a number of suppliers with a view to gaining their corporate support.
For more information please visit www.theasc.org.uk or call 0800 1032 999.
Fundraise for TASC