TASC is very sad to announce that Diane Scott QAM is stepping down as our Chair of the Board of Trustees on the 30th April 2024 after completing her four-year term.
Having spent over 34 years in the ambulance service, Diane joined TASC as Chair at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, and under her leadership the national charity that provides independent wellbeing support to the UK’s ambulance community has grown and developed significantly.
Her first challenge was to help guide the charity through the extremely difficult period of Covid19, transitioning to flexible working, while maintaining and developing the charity’s services to support our ambulance workers during some of the toughest times they will ever face.
During Diane’s term, TASC has also developed and delivered the first-of-its-kind 24/7 Ambulance Staff Crisis Phoneline to help prevent deaths by suicide, helping over 500 people since its launch in November 2022. The charity has also expanded into online and self-care tools, particularly the Online Wellbeing Hub and the Family Handbook.
Diane has worked hard to support the expansion and development of the National Ambulance Memorial Service, securing financial support from the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, the Independent Ambulance Association and In Our Ambulance Hearts, to turn the service into an annual event attendee numbers increasing year-on-year.
Diane leaves the charity in a strong position having grown and widened the expertise of our Board and strengthened its governance structures.
Karl Demian, TASC CEO, says:
“Diane has played a key role in supporting TASC through the difficult times of the pandemic and provided me with amazing support enabling us to develop and increase the services we provide. Diane performed her role with passion, diligence and commitment to the support we provide to the ambulance community. Diane leaves us in a stronger and better place.”
Gordon Enstone, Vice Chair, said:
“On behalf of all of TASC’s trustees I would like to thank Diane for the work that she has done and way that she has led the Board through difficult times and challenging decisions, with a clarity and calmness that has enabled us to do the right thing and grow our impact.”
TASC will announce their new Chair shortly, and in the interim, Gordon Enstone will act as interim Chair.