Donate in memory of a loved one

Thank you for considering donating to TASC in memory of your loved one. We’re honoured to help you remember them.

Donating, fundraising or creating a tribute fund in honour of your loved one is a meaningful and lasting way of celebrating their life while also helping change the lives of the UK’s lifesavers for years to come.

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Donate in memory

Ways you can donate in memory

donate in memory

Donate in memory

Donating in someone’s name is a special way to honour their memory. Every pound helps provide our vital services to support ambulance staff in their time of need.

The easiest way to donate in memory is via our website at the button below. If you would like to transfer your money a different way, please contact our Fundraising Team.

Make a donation
donate in memory

Fundraise in memory

Raise money by organising your own event where friends and family can come together to donate and celebrate your loved one’s life. There are so many ways you can fundraise in memory.

Learn more about fundraising for TASC at the button below.

Learn more
donate in memory

Collecting donations at the funeral

Collecting donations at a funeral is a powerful way to remember a loved one. To arrange for collections, just give your funeral director our details and ask them to get in touch with us:

TASC The Ambulance Staff Charity
12 Ensign Business Centre, Westwood Way
Coventry, CV4 8JA

Registered UK charity: 1163538/SC046384

Tel: 02477 987 922

Have a question? Email us
donate in memory

Create an online remembrance fund

An online remembrance fund through JustGiving is a beautiful way to celebrate your loved one’s life by sharing photos and stories and collecting donations from family and friends in their memory.

To set up your remembrance fund, click the link below, set up your JustGiving page and then select TASC The Ambulance Staff Charity as your chosen charity. Any money you raise will come directly to us.

Create a remembrance fund

How your gift could help our lifesavers

Leaving a gift in your will for charity

Robert’s story

Robert came to TASC because he was struggling with his mental health which was also starting to affect his physical wellbeing. We arranged for Robert to have sessions with our in-house counsellor to talk about coping techniques and we also funded sessions for him to meet with an external counsellor to help with his PTSD symptoms.

“TASC’s services were second to none and I would 100% recommend them to any of my colleagues.”

Robert, Ambulance Care Assistant, Aylesbury
Read Robert's story
donate in memory

Wendy’s story

Wendy came to TASC because she felt increasing anxious, agitated and unable to switch off. After assessing Wendy’s case, our in-house counsellor felt that she would benefit from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and referred Wendy to one of our partners for six sessions of support.

“Since finishing my sessions I feel more relaxed, focused and happier both at work and in my personal life.”

Wendy, Paramedic, Surrey
Read Wendy's story

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We rely on your support

As a national charity, we rely on your support and generosity to continue providing our life-changing support. There are so many ways you can get involved, from donating and fundraising, to joining a TASC challenge or recycling your old clothes in one of our clothing banks. Click on the links below to get started.

How you can support TASC’s cause