Meet the new team at TASC, which has been expanded to raise awareness of the charity as well as enable it to deliver further services and fundraise.

TASC is delighted that three new Trustees have been taken on to join the Board, namely Dinesh Visavadia, Edward Weiss, and Nan Tewari.

Mr Visavadia, former Head of Pensions at John Lewis department stores, said:

“TASC is a great charity to be involved with. I hope I can help move it forward in supporting as many people as possible as well as targeting more public engagement.”

At the same time as the new Trustees, the number of staff based at TASC’s head office in Coventry has increased from just two to six thanks to a grant from the Libor Funding initiative announced in last year’s Autumn Statement.

TASC identified three main strands in order to secure the funding, one of which was to achieve a sustainable income from supporters in the ambulance services and their families.

Of the two previous full-time members of staff, Jean Hayes has now become Director of Charity Operations while Angie Crashley takes on the role of Support Services Manager.

In addition, Rebecca Kemmer has now been appointed as Communications Executive, Marieanne Curtis as Volunteer Coordinator, Lianne Burton as Business Support Coordinator, and Sam Brown as Admin Support.


Learn more about the TASC Team and Trustees